WOMEN IN BUSINESS: Maria Perez, CEO of EzKin Company

Maria Perez

Maria Perez

Meet Maria Perez, a 35-year-old downtown Dayton resident who is CEO of EzKin Company. We asked her to tell us about herself:

QUESTION: How did you get into that role?

Answer: My husband, Santiago and I founded EzKin in 2013. Shortly after gaining citizenship in 2021, he became CEO of Interscope MFG in Middletown, a company offering similar services. Working together over the years helped us grow both personally and professionally. We learned how to scale our business, hire new employees and build a strong team. It’s been a journey of growth and collaboration, and that’s how I eventually stepped into the CEO role at EzKin. We specialize in providing assembly solutions, custom business software, automation, data system solutions and 3rd part logistics.

Q: What led you to this point in your career?

A: What brought me to this point in my career is the goal to create jobs and build a workplace where people can work productively, calmly and feel respected. I’ve always been focused on growing a business that’s efficient and gives employees a stable environment to succeed. That focus along with the help of good customers and people while staying driven and adaptable, has helped me reach where I am today.

Q: Who are a couple of people you think of as your professional board of directors (the folks you go to for advice and support)?

A: My professional board of directors has always been dynamic, depending on the situation and the stage of growth I’m in. However, I consistently turn to Santiago and my dad for their insights and support. Additionally, the previous owner of Interscope MFG is someone we also rely on for advice. We are part of the Entrepreneur Center which has also provided great support. Their diverse perspectives help me navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

Q: What is advice you have for women growing their careers?

A: Be confident in your abilities and take ownership of your career and actions. No one is coming to do it for you, so don’t wait for opportunities — create them. Network actively and advocate for yourself, because you never know who might support you in return. When setbacks arise or you feel like you are overwhelmed, learn from them, figure out an effective way to ask for help and keep moving forward.

Q: When you were a child, what career did you hope to have?

A: As a child, I dreamed of owning an all-inclusive resort on the beach. Our family trips to these places were always filled with great memories, and I loved the idea of creating a happy, relaxing work environment. I also imagined myself as an assistant to someone important, enjoying the satisfaction of supporting and creating behind the scenes.

Q: Are you involved in any cohorts, boards, nonprofits?

A: Empower Cohort 6 through the Dayton Chamber of Commerce, the WSU SCM Advisory Board and I have been on the WIBN Gala planning committee.


Are you a woman in business leadership or do you know one we should feature? Email details to mandy.gambrell@coxinc.com.