“Myself and my wonderful staff have worked very hard over the past 15 months to build something really special. We have made a lot of friends and appreciate everyone who has supported us along the way,” Owner Rachel Gannon wrote. “Unfortunately, things are tough right now. I personally, have put so much of my own money into getting us this far but that is not something I can sustain anymore.”
She said it was taking them three days to hit the numbers that they needed to do in one day to break even.
“We fought the good fight and did our very best,” Gannon said. “It was an absolute pleasure to serve each and everyone of you that came in the store.”
This news comes about five months after Gannon told customers on social media that the sandwich shop was struggling.
“Summer was not kind to us, and we are optimistic fall will be better,” Gannon said in a Sept. 3, 2024 Facebook post. “But we could use your help. Sharing a post, grabbing a sandwich, picking up a bottle of wine or even telling a friend about us goes a long way.”
The Local 937 opened in October 2023 in a building likely constructed in the 1860s that served as a grocery store and market for decades. It also served as a laundromat, ice cream shop, a magic and costume rental shop, and, more recently, an antiques and collectibles store.
“One of my biggest accomplishments has been having a hand in saving this building from being torn down,” Gannon said. “It has a lot of family history, and Dayton history, and I am grateful to have a plan to be able to keep the building.”
Gannon is a realtor and real estate investor who plans to sell her current office on East Fifth Street and move her real estate brokerage, Local Roots Realty, to the space at 1501 E. Fifth St.
“St Anne’s Hill is a wonderful neighborhood that I’m going to get to call home in a few months, and I am very optimistic about the future of the new real estate brokerage being in such a beautiful building with a wonderful location,” Gannon said.
For more information and updates, visit thelocal937dayton.com or the sandwich shop’s Facebook (@thelocal937) or Instagram (@the_local_937) pages.
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