Oakwood school board moving to put $40M bond issue before voters

Oakwood’s board of education is moving to place a 4.75-mill, $40 million bond levy on next year’s May ballot. FILE

Credit: Jim Witmer

Credit: Jim Witmer

Oakwood’s board of education is moving to place a 4.75-mill, $40 million bond levy on next year’s May ballot. FILE

Oakwood’s board of education is moving to place a 4.75-mill, $40 million bond levy on next year’s May ballot.

If approved by voters, the proposed 33-year levy would cost taxpayers about $166 a year per $100,000 in property value, according to the district.

It would fund updates to Smith and Harman elementary schools, as well as “targeted” projects at Oakwood High School and Oakwood Junior High, Superintendent Neil Gupta has said.

The high school/junior high building was the focus of Phase 1 of the district’s Master Facilities Plan, which has been completed. The proposed bond issue would fund the second phase, Oakwood officials said.

The board gave preliminary approval Monday night to place the tax issue on the ballot. A final vote is expected in January.

Harman was built in 1908 and Smith in 1929, district records show. The high school is 100 years old.

“Our community made a strong statement that they want to keep their iconic facilities and buildings at the same time,” Gupta said.

“And so as we take a look out into the next five to seven years, we have to start looking at sometimes things that we know that might need in a condition of being replaced, and make sure that we’re being cognizant of that as we put together and plan for that,” he added.

The work at Harman and Smith would include mechanical, electrical and plumbing projects, along with targeted ADA upgrades, district records show.

At the high school/junior high, work would include HVAC systems, ceiling lights and the roof, according to Oakwood records.

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