Man indicted on 160 child porn charges in Montgomery County

A Montgomery County grand jury indicted a man on 160 child porn charges.

Tomm Joe Burks, 31, of Dayton, is facing 131 illegal use of a minor in a nudity-oriented material or performance, 28 counts of pandering sexual oriented material involving a minor (solicit-possess material) and one count of pandering sexual oriented material involving a minor (advertise or sell material), according to Montgomery County Common Pleas Court records.

He is scheduled to be arraigned Oct. 29.

Dayton police opened an investigation after receiving a referral from the National Centers for Missing and Exploited Children that Burks had child sexual assault material in his email account, according to the Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office.

As a result, investigators served a search warrant for his electronic devices and email account.

Detectives found 29 images of sex acts involving children and 131 images of nude minors, according to the prosecutor’s office.

A warrant was issued for Burks’ arrest Tuesday.

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