Kettering man to spend a year of weekends in jail for child sex abuse material

Montgomery County Common Pleas Courtroom. JIM NOELKER/STAFF FILE



Montgomery County Common Pleas Courtroom. JIM NOELKER/STAFF FILE

A 62-year-old Kettering man will spend a year’s worth of weekends in jail for having child sexual assault material on his computer.

Jeffrey C. Combs was sentenced Thursday by Montgomery County Common Pleas Judge Steven Dankof to spend 52 consecutive weekends plus Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day and his birthday in the Montgomery County Jail. He also will spend up to five years on probation, according to sentencing documents.

Combs pleaded guilty Sept. 21 after he was indicted in January on 21 counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor.

The Kettering Police Department opened an investigation after receiving a tip from the Internet Crimes Against Children task force of possible child sexual assault material uploaded from an internet address from Combs’ residence, according to an affidavit filed in Kettering Municipal Court.

Detectives seized computers and equipment belonging to Combs that reportedly contained numerous nude images of children performing sex acts, including some younger than 13, the affidavit stated.

In addition to his jail sentence, Combs was designated a Tier II sexual offender, which requires him to register his address with his local sheriff’s office every six months for 25 years.

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