Did you see something? Fire destroys playground set at Kettering park

Police ask public to share photos, videos.
Fire destroyed playground equipment over the weekend at State Farm Park in Kettering. JEN BALDUF/STAFF

Credit: Jen Balduf

Credit: Jen Balduf

Fire destroyed playground equipment over the weekend at State Farm Park in Kettering. JEN BALDUF/STAFF

A wooden frame and the bottom of a partially melted slime green plastic slide are all that’s left of a playground set torched over the weekend at a Kettering park.

The Kettering Police Department is investigating a fire late Friday night at State Farm Park, 2510 Blackhawk Road, close to County Line Road and Vale Drive.

A temporary security fence with yellow police caution tape surrounds the scorched playground equipment that once featured two slides and stairs. The poured rubber playground surface around the equipment also was charred.

The park, used by East Kettering Recreation Club baseball and softball teams, features six recreation fields, a picnic shelter and playground.

Anyone who saw something late Friday night to around midnight Saturday is asked to contact detective Sgt. Vince Mason with tips at 937-296-2595, and reference report #25-012420.

Any photos and videos of the fire or moments leading to the fire can be uploaded to this link https://KetteringPDOH.evidence.com/axon/community-request/public/statefarmpark

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